Halloween is known for people getting (and eating!) candy. Surprisingly, we think this is okay — in moderation! But Halloween is more than just a day about sweets, it’s the center point of a whole season that you can pack with fun activities, creative snacks, and family participation that will have everyone grinning like goblins — and healthier than they know!
1. Take the Family Pumpkin and Apple Picking
It may be tempting to just pick up pumpkins, apples, and other fall goodies from your local grocery store, but it’s well worth your while to take the family out early in the season to a pumpkin patch, apple orchard, or both! Walking around in the crisp air and carrying your fruit haul is excellent exercise, gets everyone in the Halloween spirit, and makes the kids excited to play with their food. Speaking of which…
2. Make Healthy Foods Spooky
You probably know you can make your own apple cider, bob for apples, and repurpose the pumpkin “guts” and seeds after carving pumpkins to create a lot of festive, healthy foods. But why stop there? Have the kids peel corn and make corn husk dolls and scarecrows while you turn the corn into a delicious, healthy dish. Carve oranges and clementines into jack o’ lanterns. Make trail mix that will drive them nutty. Peel carrot fingers into carrot claws. The options are endless!
3. Host A Scavenger Hunt
Getting everyone scrounging around for treats is a great way to get some fresh air and give parts of the body that don’t normally get used to some activity, and it can be fun for all ages! To play it extra smart, rather than make the rewards candy, or even healthy snacks, consider little toys that encourage more activity, like a black and orange jump rope, paddleball, glider, or anything else you can hide for the hunt! Who says “tricks” have to be any less fun than “treats?”
4. Eat A Meal Just Before Trick-Or-Treating
You’ll probably eat dinner before heading out into the night anyway, but did you know that it’s best to eat as close to trick-or-treating as possible? Dinner provides protein and blood-sugar stabilization that will serve them well as they go from house to house, but it’ll also make them fuller for longer, minimizing how much candy they’ll crave at the end of the night!
5. Walk, Don’t Drive, While Trick-Or-Treating
Especially if it’s cold, it may be tempting to drive kids around the neighborhood, but walking together from stop to stop is the perfect opportunity to burn many of the calories that all the candy will add later. You can even keep walking if it’s raining with an umbrella and some raincoats, especially since many front porches are under overhangs. Go out and feel the Halloween spirit(s) in the air!
6. After All the Candy, Drink Water, Brush Teeth, and… Eat Cheese??
Of course, when all the trick-or-treating and candy eating is done, everybody should brush their teeth and floss thoroughly. But before that, everyone should drink water to hydrate and flush some of the excess sugar out of their mouth, and — bet you didn’t see this one coming — have some string cheese! As it turns out, cheese helps neutralize the mouth’s acids, which erode teeth. [1] Even so, don’t forget to brush those vampire fangs!
7. Balance Out the Bad Food with Everyday Care & Nutrition Supplements
During the Halloween season, and in the coming holiday months, it can be hard to get as active in the colder weather or eat as healthy as you’d like every day. At Everyday Care & Nutrition, we understand and want to help. Our supplements can help you get the nutrients you need, block the ones you don’t, curb your appetite, and stay on top of your health without giving up the foods and festivities you love.
[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23649576/